Category: News and Events
Seminar: Claudio Paolucci on “Umberto Eco, Laughter, and Loanna”
Reading Group Fall 2018: Umberto Eco
Creativity and Cassirer: A Seminar by Jennifer Marra and Jared Kemling
First Annual William S. Minor Fellow Lecture
AIPCT is pleased to announce its first William S. Minor Fellow Lecture. Jennifer Marra will present her lecture “Humor and Interpretation” on Sunday, July 22, at 3 PM. Marra is the first recipient of the dissertation fellowship awarded by the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, to do her research…
Fourth Lewis Hahn Memorial Lecture: Douglas Anderson
With the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, the AIPCT announces that Douglas R. Anderson will give the 4th Lewis Hahn Memorial Lecture, Saturday July 21, 2018, at 7 PM. This year’s event will include papers by: Steven Miller (Ripon College, Wisconsin) 1:30 PM: “Dylan, Anderson and Ol’ Moose on…
Music at AIPCT/Redbud Hill
Dr. R. M. Fisher’s Courses on Fearology
Seminar: “Photography as a Way of Death Avoidance”
AIPCT is pleased to host a seminar on “Photography as a Way of Death Avoidance,” January 30, 2018, beginning at 7:30 PM. The evening’s leader is Diana Prokofyeva, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bashkir State University, in Ufa, Russia. Dr. Prokofyeva received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Bashkir State in…
Reading Group Spring 2018: The Aesthetic Theory of Hermann Lotze
AIPCT is pleased to announce that its spring reading group will commence Wednesday evening, 7:30 PM, January 24, and meet every Wednesday evening until April 11. The topic this spring will be the aesthetic works of Rudolf Hermann Lotze (1817-1881). Lotze was an enormously influential interpreter of Kant and was…
Seminar: Claudio Paolucci on “Umberto Eco, Laughter, and Loanna”
Reading Group Fall 2018: Umberto Eco
Creativity and Cassirer: A Seminar by Jennifer Marra and Jared Kemling
First Annual William S. Minor Fellow Lecture
AIPCT is pleased to announce its first William S. Minor Fellow Lecture. Jennifer Marra will present her lecture “Humor and Interpretation” on Sunday, July 22, at 3 PM. Marra is the first recipient of the dissertation fellowship awarded by the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, to do her research…
Fourth Lewis Hahn Memorial Lecture: Douglas Anderson
With the Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, the AIPCT announces that Douglas R. Anderson will give the 4th Lewis Hahn Memorial Lecture, Saturday July 21, 2018, at 7 PM. This year’s event will include papers by: Steven Miller (Ripon College, Wisconsin) 1:30 PM: “Dylan, Anderson and Ol’ Moose on…
Music at AIPCT/Redbud Hill
Dr. R. M. Fisher’s Courses on Fearology
Seminar: “Photography as a Way of Death Avoidance”
AIPCT is pleased to host a seminar on “Photography as a Way of Death Avoidance,” January 30, 2018, beginning at 7:30 PM. The evening’s leader is Diana Prokofyeva, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bashkir State University, in Ufa, Russia. Dr. Prokofyeva received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Bashkir State in…
Reading Group Spring 2018: The Aesthetic Theory of Hermann Lotze
AIPCT is pleased to announce that its spring reading group will commence Wednesday evening, 7:30 PM, January 24, and meet every Wednesday evening until April 11. The topic this spring will be the aesthetic works of Rudolf Hermann Lotze (1817-1881). Lotze was an enormously influential interpreter of Kant and was…